Priority services

Benefits under the Second Book of the German Social Code (SGB II) are generally subordinate if the monthly requirement can be covered by other benefits. These other benefits (e.g. housing benefit or child supplement) take priority in this case. A corresponding entitlement to priority benefits must therefore be checked in advance.

Priority benefits are therefore payments from other authorities or agencies that fulfil the need for assistance and thus the entitlement under SGB II:

  • completely or avoid them through your height,
  • eliminate or shorten the need for assistance at a certain point in time (by crediting the benefit, the need for assistance ceases), or at least
  • (by offsetting the benefit, the need for assistance/entitlement under SGB II is reduced).

You must apply for and utilise these benefits. There is no right of choice here. SGB II benefits are subordinate.

Priority services include, for example

  • Child allowance, housing benefit, child benefit, maternity benefit, parental benefit, maintenance/advance maintenance payments,
  • Training and employment promotion benefits: unemployment benefit, vocational training allowance (BAB), benefits under the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG),
  • Health insurance benefits: Sickness benefit, medical rehabilitation benefits,
  • Benefits from statutory accident insurance: Injury benefit, pension due to reduced earning capacity,
  • Statutory pension insurance benefits: transitional allowance, old-age pension, pensions due to partial or full reduction in earning capacity, surviving dependants' pension.


Priority services - Technical instructions
Priority services - Notes Knowledge database