Dovetailing of work and health promotion - GKV -
A warm welcome ...
...to the free health services offered by the Leipzig Job Centre.
Together with AOK PLUS, the health insurance company responsible for us, we offer you the opportunity to take advantage of health-promoting programmes as part of the project "Interlocking work and health promotion in the communal living environment".
Do something good for yourself!
Every individual faces smaller and larger challenges on a daily basis. We would like to give you the opportunity to do something for yourself and your health by offering health programmes on various topics.
"With us - get fit and live healthy"
Discover our range and decide for yourself!

All health programmes are free of charge and voluntary!
The health programmes cover a period of ten weeks, take place once a week for one hour and cover the following topics:
- Strengthen mentally
- What is stress and how do I recognise it?
- How can I assess stress?
- What solutions and options are there for dealing with stress?
- Sport in nature
- Movement in the immediate vicinity of your home
- Exercise programmes under the guidance of a specialist
- Gymnastics - how to do it yourself
- Pleasant group atmosphere
- Creating fun with exercise
Please speak to your counsellor about the project and the health services.
About the GKV Alliance for Health:
The GKV Alliance for Health is a joint initiative of the statutory health insurance funds for the further development and implementation of health promotion and prevention in living environments. Among other things, the Alliance promotes structural development and networking processes, the development and testing of health-promoting concepts, particularly for socially and health-disadvantaged target groups, as well as measures for quality assurance and scientific evaluation. The National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds has commissioned the Federal Centre for Health Education to implement the tasks of the SHI Alliance for Health with funds from the health insurance fund in accordance with Section 20a (3) and (4) SGB V.
Further information is available at: www.gkv-buendnis.de.
Flyer: Flyer Healthcare landscape