Data protection
In order to be able to support and advise you, the Leipzig Job Centre requires various details about your personal and financial situation. This social data is subject to special protection and may not be used for other purposes or passed on to other organisations.
When handling social data, the Leipzig Job Centre is obliged to observe the principles of data protection, which are regulated in particular in the EU General Data Protection Regulation, the Federal Data Protection Act, the Social Code X and related laws.
The Data Protection Officer at the Leipzig Job Centre monitors compliance with the principles and legal provisions of data protection. She is not bound by instructions and is obliged to maintain confidentiality.
If you have any questions, suggestions or complaints about how the Jobcentre handles your social data, please contact the data protection officer.
Mrs Katrin Lemanczyk
Leipzig Job Centre
Georg-Schumann-Straße 150, 04157 Leipzig
Phone: 0341 58088 2122
E-Mail: Jobcenter-Leipzig.DSB@jobcenter-ge.de