Useful links

Main links:

Online platform:

Job exchange

Internet pages of the Federal Employment Agency

Career counselling at the Leipzig Employment Agency

KursNet - Discover further vocational training

BerufeNet - The most comprehensive encyclopaedia of professions

Berufe Entdecker - The exploration tool for occupational fields

Check-U - The exploration tool for training and studies

New Plan - Know your skills

Employer service:

Employer newsletter

Report job offer online

Minijob centre

Saxon Reconstruction Bank

Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Promotion of further training

Labour market and statistics:

Statistics offered by the employment agency

Monthly reports

Labour market report

Labour market in Germany

Unemployment and basic income support for jobseekers - Germany and federal states (monthly figures)

Labour market monitor

Special life situations:

Ø  Family / Parenthood

Pregnancy, birth


Educational counselling centres

Parental allowance

Relief amount

Child supplement

Advance on maintenance

Coaching family benefit communities

Education and participation

Ø People with disabilities:

Counselling centre for housing and social affairs

Determination of severely disabled status and state blindness benefit

Integration assistance for people with disabilities

Application for parking concessions City of Leipzig (parking permit)

Disability Advisory Council of the City of Leipzig

On the road to inclusion - Participation plan for the city of Leipzig 2017-2024

Ø People from abroad

Page of the BAMF

Welcome Centre of the City of Leipzig

City (Department for Migration and Integration)

Foreigners' Registration Office of the City of Leipzig

IQ network

Integration course

Professional language courses

Low-threshold language learning programmes of the City of Leipzig

Recognition counselling IQ Network

Recognition counselling Agency for Labour

Ø Caring for relatives:

Apply for inpatient care assistance

Care at home 

Ø Addiction:
Self-help groups and associations

Ø Debt counselling:
Debt counselling

Ø Mental stress:

Social psychiatric service

Durchblick e. V.

WEGE e. V.


Das Boot gGmbH

Association for reintegration

Trägerwerk Soziale Dienste in Sachsen GmbH

Municipal enterprise for the disabled

Counselling centres:

German Tenants' Association

Consumer advice centre Saxony

Caritas Association Leipzig e. V.

German Red Cross (DRK)

German Red Cross (DRK) Academic District Association Leipzig e. V.

Mosaik Leipzig - Competence Centre for Transcultural Dialogues e. V.

Association of Binational Families and Partnerships e. V.

Internationaler Bund e. V.

Naomi e. V.

Equal opportunities in the labour market: