Entry qualification as an opportunity for training

Entry qualification (EQ) is a long-term internship funded by the Leipzig Job Centre, during which you work in a company and acquire basic knowledge in a recognised training occupation. During the internship, you will be employed subject to social security contributions and will receive a maximum monthly internship allowance of 216.00 euros from your internship company.

Requirements for participation

  • In principle, a school-leaving qualification is required, although this is not mandatory,
  • the decision in favour of a career direction
  • the goal of starting an in-company training programme in the coming year

Start and duration

The entry qualification can be started on 1 August at the earliest (applies to school leavers from previous years) or on 1 October (applies to school leavers from the current year). The internship lasts a minimum of six months and a maximum of twelve months. The latest start date is 1 March.

Your advantages

  • Career orientation by getting to know a profession and finding out whether you like it.
  • The chance of being taken on as a trainee at the company where you are doing your internship.
  • The introductory qualification can shorten training in the same occupation if the training company and the relevant chamber agree.
  • The opportunity to bridge the gap until the new training programme begins.

The Job Centre, the Chamber of Crafts and the Chamber of Industry and Commerce will support you in your search for an entry-level qualification.