Job search/employment agency
Learning German is very important for your life in Germany.
If you receive financial support (citizen's allowance) from the Job Centre, you may be entitled (obliged) to attend an integration course at the Job Centre Leipzig.
With this authorisation you search for a Language course provider and register there.
Further information from the BAMF:
Welcome programmes and language support for refugees from Ukraine (German)
Поради щодо міграції, початкова орієнтація та мовна підтримка (Ukrainian language)
ImportantIf you are authorised (obliged) to take an integration course, you do not have to apply to the BAMF for admission to the integration course.
First information event on the language course from 07.07.2022 (German/Ukrainian/Russian)
The mediation process
All persons have a personal contact person. They have the task of checking with you what opportunities exist and what support you need in order to take up work in Germany.
Firstly, we will send everyone a "registration form". This will give us an initial overview of how we can support you. Please return this registration form to us as soon as possible.
In the next step, we will invite all those who can start work immediately to a personal interview.
If you have a child and childcare is not yet guaranteed, you must first find a nursery place or a school place for your child. You can find information here.
All persons who first need to learn the German language should look for an integration course (see above).
If you have any questions about the recognition of qualifications, please visit the Information portal of the Federal Government on the recognition of foreign professional qualifications. The information is particularly helpful for professions with access restrictions under professional law.
You are also welcome to contact the advice centre IBAS turn.
Qualifications are only possible if you have sufficient language skills. If you have any further questions, please get in touch with your personal contact person.
Absence/holiday/temporary return to the home country
Unemployment benefit can only be paid to people who are resident in Leipzig and are available for integration into the labour market.
The job centre can agree that a person does not have to be available for up to 21 calendar days a year, provided that language courses do not have to be interrupted or do not conflict with work or a job centre measure. Saturdays and Sundays count.
Effects under residence law: see also FAQ at the BAMF.